Eid Cards


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Blue Eid Cards

The blue color is part of Islam culture and people wore this color specific clothes to denote love for that color. Bring that blueish look to your Eid Mubarak wishes through these Blue Eid Cards with easy download facility. The blue sky, blue color symbols, mosque, language signs and other pictures.
eid blue wish cardsblue mosque eid cardBlue Eid Sky CardsBlue Eid CardsBlue Color Eid Mubarak

Happy Ramadan Cards

Speak your hearty wishes and feelings of Happy Ramadan to all your loved ones and dear ones by offering your token of wishes and happiness in the form of greeting cards. You can share any of these Happy Ramadan Cards for free with anyone by simply clicking, downloading and saving for further forwarding to others.
Happy Ramadan CardsKids Wishing Happy RamadanHappy Ramadan Wishes

Eid Cards By 123Greetings

123greetings is a famous online portal surfed by visitors to exchange wishes of various events, occasions and celebrations. Here, we have Eid Cards By 123Greetings exclusively designed by them. Few thumbnails have been taken from them. If you want to have full and complete access over them, click and then save.
123greetings eid cardeid card collection by 123greetingsEid Cards By 123Greetings

Star And Moon Eid Cards

Stars and Moon are part of Islam religion that's why Muslim calendar always look at the position of Moon and Star to make any predictions or dates for festivals. Eid festival has special relation with astronomical bodies like Stars and Moon. So keeping in this relation, we have designed these Star And Moon Eid Cards for our viewers.Star And Moon Eid Cards
Twinkling Stars For Eid Cardeid mubarak star and moon card

Saturday, August 21, 2010

2010 Eid-al-fitr Cards

Eid-al-Fitr is a most celebrated festival of Islam religion observed on the last day of Ramadan month. Basically the position of moon and stars exactly tells the sightseeing in different locations of the globe.

Eid al-Fitr in 2010 is on 9th of September, Thursday.

2010 Eid al-Fitr will start in North America a day later - on Friday, the 10th of September. Share your warm wishes and heart-felt feelings with everyone by accessing any of the 2010 Eid-al-fitr Cards.

2010 eid-ul-fitr mubarak2010 Eid-ul-fitr celebration ecard2010 Eid-al-fitr Cards

Eid-ul-fitr Scraps, Free Eid Orkut Scraps

Decorate your Orkut profile to present your animated wishes on Islamic holiday of Eid by placing the code of any of these Eid-ul-fitr Scraps available for free. Be part of this auspicious holy occasion of Islam to say Eid Mubarak to your network friend circle and buddies.
Eid-ul-fitr Orkut Scrapsfree eid scraps for orkutEid-ul-fitr Scraps

Animated Eid-Ul-Fitr Cards

Exchange your warm and sweet Eid wishes with your loved ones and Muslim relatives in animated style displaying wishes, words, messages and quotes in animation based patterns like 3d, flash, graphic based and more. Explore few samples of Animated Eid-Ul-Fitr Cards to be part of this online free gallery.Animated Eid-Ul-Fitr Greetings
Animated Eid-Ul-Fitr Cardsanimated eid-al-fitr collection

Eid-ul-Fitr Thank You Cards

Eid-ul-Fitr is a religious and pious festival in Islam culture when people observe this special day after completing the month of fasting for their soul purification. Revert back with the sweet wishes and greetings of Happy Eid received through your well wishers and loved ones by giving them your thankful wishes through these Eid-ul-Fitr Thank You Cards.
thanks for eid wishesEid-ul-Fitr Thank You Cardseid thankful greetings

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Eid Namaaz Cards, Muslim Namaz Wishes

Offer your prayers at proper time during Eid festival according to Urdu religion and culture with our only selective range of Eid Namaaz Cards offered here for free. Photo based greeting cards are here with free download facility showcasing images of men, women and kids namaz scenes.
Namaz Muslim Prayer CardsEid NamaazEid Namaaz Cards

Eid Takbir Cards, Eid Takbeer Photo Cards

Takbir is a part of Islam where people express belief in god by saying Allāhu Akbar which means God is great. We would like to present pictures and images of tekbir during Eid festival along with pictures of many people. You can browse these Eid Takbir Cards for free to present Islam tradition and ritual.
takbeer during eideid takbir photoEid Takbir Cards

Eid Photo Cards, Eid Kids Hug Photo

Personalize your Happy Eid wishes by adding your own photo in the wish card just like the ones displayed below as Eid Photo Cards. These greeting cards showcase photos of kids hugging each other, Actor Salman Khan wearing cap and sharing his happiness of Eid, a woman praying Allah on Eid.
salman photo eid cardsEid Photo CardsEid Hug Photo Wishes

Eid Festival Cards, Eid Festival Wishes

Share the festive spirit of Islamic Eid festival with a warm hug for all and flowers to share greetings of the festival. We would like to present these Eid Festival Cards for all viewers to make their celebrations beautiful, sweet and loving just like the flowers displayed in the greeting cards.
festival wishes on eidEid Festival GreetingsEid Festival Cards

Eid Holiday Cards, Happy Eid Holidays

Eid is a Muslim festival celebrated with great happiness and religious cheer to exchange love and warmth among all people. Be part of this holiday festival by downloading any of these Eid Holiday Cards and exchanging to share wishes of the day. Click on the thumbnail to get larger view.
holiday cards on eidEid Holiday Cardseid happy holidays

Monday, June 14, 2010

Eid Hug Cards, Eid Mubarak with Hugs

Express your love, affection and happiness for the Eid festival by greeting your loved ones and giving warm hug to share sweetness of the day. Its traditional in Islam that people greet each other with a hug to express their warmth feeling. Be part of the Eid Mubarak wishes by giving away any of these Eid Hug Cards.
eid hug greetingsEid Hug Cardseid mubarak with a hug

Green Color Eid Cards, Eid Mubarak Green Color Wish Cards

Let your eid mubarak wishes beautify with the color 'Green' of Islam giving more importance and liking to the color. So, bring that color in your wish cards by downloading and setting any of these Green Color Eid Cards for free and with option to add personal quote, message or greetings.
Green Color Eid Cardsgreen background eid cardseid green colored cards

Eid Rose Cards, Roses for Eid Mubarak Wishes

Give roses more beautiful element during Islamic festival of Eid when people greet everyone in the morning with a warm hug and many people make it more beautiful by adding roses to their eid mubarak wishes. Hope these Eid Rose Cards would help our viewers enjoy and create new style to their Eid greetings.
roses to wish eid mubarakrose cards for eidEid Rose Cards