Eid Cards


Saturday, August 21, 2010

2010 Eid-al-fitr Cards

Eid-al-Fitr is a most celebrated festival of Islam religion observed on the last day of Ramadan month. Basically the position of moon and stars exactly tells the sightseeing in different locations of the globe.

Eid al-Fitr in 2010 is on 9th of September, Thursday.

2010 Eid al-Fitr will start in North America a day later - on Friday, the 10th of September. Share your warm wishes and heart-felt feelings with everyone by accessing any of the 2010 Eid-al-fitr Cards.

2010 eid-ul-fitr mubarak2010 Eid-ul-fitr celebration ecard2010 Eid-al-fitr Cards


Naseer Ahmad said...

I read your blog found it well, I think Masjid Card design images should be top on the lest, and their background color should be changed with brown.By this way blog could be more attractive.
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Tahir said...
